Feel free to enjoy some of Michelle’s magazine articles…

The Other Classics

Which books are famous (or should be!) for inspiring children & teens to fall in love with reading?  Let's start with those “classics” first... (Originally published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 2015 Annual.)

How Can I Know if a Book is "Living?"

Is there really a difference between the older book gems and what is available "for free" in public libraries? Have children's books changed...as the entire culture has changed? Will it make a difference in my children's hearts? Oh, yes...."  (First published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, June 2012)

Our Good-Book-Collecting Journey

Michelle was asked by the editors to relate her gradual discovery that living books actually make learning (and teaching!) easier, more fun, and more impactful...and how she collected the many books that would become the Children's Preservation Library. (Originally published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 2013 Annual.)

Border Guards and Basements: How a Library is Born

Here, the editors asked Michelle to relate how her first library, Children's Preservation Library, was begun. (Originally published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, March 2013.)

The Nuremburg Trials...and Homeschooling?!

The world watched with bated breath as the horrific Nazi war criminals were put on trial at Nuremburg and claimed innocence!  What can we learn, unexpectedly, about the pressures which attempt to shape our teaching and family life? (Originally published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, June 2012.)

Toddlers and Tantrums

This desire to rule the world–the universal toddler propensity—is nearly the first and last chapter of our story. (Originally published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Fall 2022.)

Which Trials

We don’t act because of data we’ve memorized, but because of truths we’ve stored in our souls. So, when the culture is upside down—making wrong right, and right wrong—brave truth is the only fix. (Originally published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Summer 2023.)

No Fooling!

Nice-sounding words won’t fool our kids! We’re awake to the spiritual elements of this world’s dynamics, and we know our history! (Originally published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Spring 2023.)

Building Big

You’re wrestling with the “living stones” of your cathedral to the King of Kings. (Originally published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Summer 2021.)

The Most Assuring Plan Ever

The feelings of inadequacy well up, so I crave the promise of a “system” to make up for myself. (Originally published in the Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Spring 2021.)